Doing Research On Marketing

Market Research

  1. If you want to do marketing, you have to do research on it. For this, the best way to do this is to do Internet searches. If you type in the keywords "business marketing," you'll come up with a myriad of resources that can give you more information on this topic. Other terms you can use include "business research," "business-to-business marketing research," and "business marketing research." This is also known as "problem-identification research" If you want to find out more about this kind of research, you can also use those words ("problem-identification research") to simply find out more about the topic.
  2. To test the effectiveness of advertisements, you do research in advertising. This also lets you know how efficient ads are when they are placed in any medium. It also tells you how much customer attention each it gets, the message it really delivers (as opposed to the one you intend to send, perhaps) and whether or not it motivates customers to buy the product and how strong this urge is. "Commercial eye tracking" helps advertisers understand the visual behavior the customer is exhibiting.
  3. Web sites, ads, and the like are analyzed for these characteristics. Before an advertisement is placed into the market, advertisers can project its performance by using copy testing. This measures the customer's level of attention, motivation to buy, whether or not they like the brand, and whether or not they are entertained by the ad into consideration.
  4. When someone buys something online, he usually weighs the pros and cons in order to make his decision. This is one area in which consumer decision research is done. You can also do surveys and interviews to determine how satisfied customers are; this is called a consumer satisfaction study. Segmentation research studies the demographic and psychological makeup of those living within a particular geographical region.
  5. If you want to analyze brand recognition, brand preference and awareness, or brand performance, this is when you do ad tracking. Brand equity research helps you determine whether a customer has a favorite brand. And name testing actually measures what customers think about a particular brand name. Whether or not a brand is in demand is measured by using brand estimation.
  6. Since you also have to measure the quality of a given product from time to time, mystery shoppers employed by research firms do this particular type of measurement. A mystery shopper will buy goods through a salesperson and take down his experience. If a mystery shopper, for example, buys competitors' products, then he or she can also measure how effective a rival company's products are, thus helping to determine what and how strong the competition in the marketplace is.
  7. Before you take a concept into actual application, most marketing research companies do concept testing, to determine whether the target audience will like the idea. This type of test marketing is done when a product is introduced in limited numbers in a particular market. Then, results are observed via sales. If sales are strong, then the product is launched on a large-scale basis.
  8. After this first phase, the company may think of increasing the price of the product to more profitable levels (as opposed to simply getting people to try a product that is very modestly priced); then, a price elasticity testing is done. This shows whether customers will accept price fluctuations, namely, price increases. Marketers also have to test what retailers and distributors feel about a particular product. This is when distribution channel audits are conducted.
  9. Finally, a great tech savvy form of marketing research is called Internet strategic intelligence. Through this method, customers' likes and dislikes are measured by visiting chats, blogs, and forums to read what they actually say a particular type of product. Another way to do Internet strategic intelligence is to conduct online panels with a group of experts that accept marketing research done online.
  10. All of this type of research carried out firsthand is classified as primary research. This is original research gathered at its source. Secondary research is research that has been taken from primary research but not done firsthand. This costs less than primary research, but it's not as effective because it has been distilled from primary research.
  11. Research designs used by marketing research either comes from questioning subjects or from observational data. Quantitative and qualitative marketing research utilizes questioning to gather information. Quantitative marketing research uses questionnaires and surveys to draw conclusions from data. It usually utilizes a high number of subjects to gather the information. Qualitative marketing research uses in-depth interviews and projective techniques to gather in-depth information from a few subjects.
  12. If marketing research is based on observational data, this is called experimental techniques and ethnographic study. Test markets and purchase laboratories utilize experimental techniques by measuring the factors responsible for a product's success. This is done by using one set of factors, observing results, changing a specific set of factors and then observing the result obtained by the change. With ethnographic studies, observations are done over time, longitudinally, or with several subjects cross-sectionally, at one particular time.

Marketing research can be compared to the exit polling done in politics. The market is studied exhaustively from different angles at different times, and under different circumstances.
Article Source: My Articles Directory
About the Author: Discover Kevin Sinclair's system for making profits regardless of whether anyone joins your network marketing business.

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